Our story
Tippy Taps Treats are prepared at our orchard in a small village in the north of Portugal just round the corner of the well-known Douro Wine reserve area. Being grown in unique condition of warm weather and rich soil, our fruits present a unique quality and taste that makes them different and better than any other fruit, and so we keep harvesting them here ever since.
Always interested in innovating and keep up with the market demand, 2021 marks the start of a new project for our company, with the launch of a brand-new product under the new created brand, Tippy Taps Treats. These snacks are made from fruits carefully selected which are then dehydrated and packed, this way you can carry our delicious treats with you and share them with your best friend whenever you like and always be presented with all the flavour our treats are known for.
Our Ahri
Tippy Taps Treats started as an idea due to Ahri, our German Shepard pup. She is just like every dog you know, happy, loyal and always ready to enjoy all the treats she can get her paws on.
But life is not fair and Ahri cannot eat just like every other dog. Being early on diagnosed with EPI, a pancreatic disorder that diminishes the enzymatic production, Ahri cannot eat any treat available on the market and has to adhere to a strict diet.
With this problem in mind we set ourselves out to discover how to get Ahri treats she could enjoy to brighten up her diet. It so happens that we found out fruits are not only loved by dogs but also very beneficial to their health. Since we are fruit producers, we tested first hand and surprise, surprise…Ahri loved all the fruit we gave her.
And so we stumbled upon a new treat for dogs, one that is not only delicious but also healthy and 100% natural. With all the know-how we had and with some adjustments to our process, we adapted the dehydrated fruit to the shape and crispiness better suited for our beloved friends. And so Tippy Taps Treats were born.
Nowadays we offer you and your pet a whole range of fruit treats besides apple. We are not growing all these fruits in our farm; however, we are always committed with the quality of every product we sell, so we demand the same high standards for every piece of fruit we dehydrate.
Every piece of fruit we sell is 100% natural and human grade, so Tippy Taps Treats are the first treat that can actually be shared by you and your pet. We guarantee they are so good, that you’re both in for a treat. Pun intended!